Spring-Fast® Grommet Edging

Protects data flow & power by stopping wiring chafe

Key benefits

  1. Best in class performance. No known failures in 30+ years
  2. Saves 49% of total install costs
  3. Improves overall task productivity by 9.5x
  4. Improves safety – no toxic glue/solvents

SL-FST Series: EN45545 Compliant

SL Series: UL94 V-0

M22529 Series: FAA-EASA Approved

Seal-Fast™ Enclosure Seals/Trim

Protects equipment from environmental damage

Key benefits

  1. Protects against environmental challenges
  2. Durable, high performance & multi-axis flexible fit
  3. Compliant to most standards incl. EN45545-2
  4. 100’s of profiles available COTS

Protect-Fast® Sleeving & Wrap

Protects wiring from damage & helps troubleshooting

Key benefits

  1. Protects wire harnesses in key equipment
  2. Improves productivity with tough, easy to use materials
  3. Advanced options available like high heat Nomex®

Fast-Drop® Radius Control Modules

Protects against macro-bends & improves productivity

Key benefits

  1. Ensures data flow by preventing macro-bends
  2. Speeds up installations & modification of racks
  3. Provides easy access & troubleshooting

For unique needs call us for fast customization

More information: DTi Product Overview

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